Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Big leap

Well i am back at work now after having 5 weeks off.  It was lovely!!!!!  I am pleased that i did have the extra time as i can see now i needed it.  I started back with a 2 day week so i could have a break then back into the throng this week.  Oh boy was i tired. 

I am 6 weeks post op today.  It's my 6 week anniversary and my total weightloss now is............ 48lb, that's 3 stone 6lb in English  whooooooo hooooooooooo

I've been a busy bee loading all my big clothes on Ebay, and it's selling, good job too i need the dosh to replace them.  I had a shopping trip to Cambridge on Sunday and it was so depressing.  I'm in smaller sizes now but couldn't find anything.  What i did find i didn't buy as it was niggling in the back of my mind that i would only be wearing it for a few weeks and what a waste of money.  God, there's just no pleasing me is there!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, I went shopping for work clothes yesterday but would only buy from the sale rack as I know I won't need them long! Congrats on the weight loss, thats fantastic. x
